About Cyberwise Products leavePage leavePage showTxt showTxt To Learn More Selected from the menu bar, the To Learn More function menu provides more information about other SPRY and CyberWISE products available. contains the selection, About CyberWISE Products, which gives information concerning other CyberWISE products available.s the next question or exit. If you choose to exit the Quiz before completing the 30 questions, your score will not be saved and you must begin the Quiz at the beginning when you return. At the end of the Quiz, your total score as well as your score by course module will be shown. View Resultswn. View Results showTxt leavePage leavePage showTxt showTxt Selected from the Help function menu on the menu bar, this function provides help for using this program. This menu contains the following options: How to Use This Product About The Saratoga Group About This Product e version number of this release of the SNMP DeskTop Seminar. ducts and services. About the SNMP DeskTop Seminar This provides the version number of this release of the SNMP DeskTop Seminar. release of the SNMP DeskTop Seminar. how to use About this product showTxt t f f Navigation Navigation The program structure allows you to go through sections in any order you choose. You can go directly to any topic within a section at any time or access the Glossary at any time within the program using the menu bar functions or by clicking on the tool bar . Easy-to-use graphical buttons appear on each page to guide you through the program. To learn more about how these navigation features work, click on one of the topics listed below. Accelerator and shortcut keys Buttons Tool Bars Page on Bars Page below. Buttons Information Bars Point and Click Information Bars Menu Button Forward Button Backward Button Return Button Show Buttons rd Button Return Button Show Buttons buttonUp buttonUp Program Structure Program Structure buttonUp buttonUp Topics Topics buttonUp buttonUp Glossary Glossary buttonUp buttonUp Menu Bar Menu Bar buttonUp buttonUp Accelerator and Shortcut Keys Accelerator and Shortcut Keys buttonUp buttonUp Buttons Buttons buttonUp buttonUp tool bar f ol bar buttonUp buttonUp Navigation Buttons Buttons Buttons appear on each page to guide you through the program. If the symbol on a button is grayed, it is inactive and nothing happens when you click on it. Buttons with a yellow background color are active and clicking on them results in some action. Click on the buttons below for an explanation of their function. Back Button Show Button Button Close Button Back Button Show Button rn Button Show Buttons Exit Buttonnnnn Forward Buttonn Backward Button buttonUp buttonUp exit button button buttonUp buttonUp backward button ckward button Backward Backward buttonUP buttonUP forward button rward button Forward Forward Show Me Buttonn ` 8 ] Menu Button buttonUp buttonUp menu button button ShowMe buttonUp buttonUp Show Buttons Show Buttons Show Me topics clearMenuStatus Glossary buttonUp buttonUp submenu button enu button submenu submenu Submenu Buttonn Menu Button Menu Button The Menu button, which appears on almost every page in the program, is located in the lower right corner. When you click on the Menu button from within a section, you have the option of saving a placemark. If you select "Yes," then the program sets a placemark within the section and returns you to the Main Menu. You will see that the Main Menu has been marked with a placemark icon. When you select a section marked with the placemark icon, you go directly to the page where you clicked the Menu button. If you select "No," the window closes without saving a new placemark and returns you to the Main Menu. When you select "Cancel," the dialog box closes, and you can continue with the section.module..................................utton from a Menu page takes you to a higher-level menu. menu................................takes you to a higher-level menu......................... buttonUp buttonUp Menu Marking Menu Marking Menu Button Your COmments Forward Button Forward Button The Forward button, which appears on almost every page in the program, is located in the lower right corner. Clicking on the Forward button takes you to the next page. This is the usual way of moving sequentially through a program section.......le...le.........................a course module..tially through a course module. Forward Forward Backward Button Backward Button The Backward button, which appears on almost every page in the program, is located in the lower right corner. Clicking on the Backward button takes you to the previous page. to the previous page. Backward Backward Backward Button Exit Button Exit Button Clicking on the Exit button causes the same result as if you select Exit from the File function menu on the menu bar, which causes a dialog box to appear that asks, "Do you want to save your placemark file?" If you select "Yes," a placemark for the current section page, as well as all other placemarks set in other sections during the current session, is saved to disk. If you select "No," placemarks set during the current session are not saved. When you select "Cancel," the dialog box closes, and you can continue with the program.ram...............................................the product..ntinue with the product............................................. with the product. buttonUp buttonUp Menu Marking Menu Marking Show Buttons Show Me Button Many pages contain the Show Me button that you can use to display animations.. display animations..............................k on the examples below for more information. rmation. Click on the examples below for more information. on the notes button. Clicking on the notes button displays whatever notes are available for that page. After the notes have been displayed, you can click on the forward button to move to the next page.otes button. Clicking on the notes button displays whatever notes are available for that page. After the notes have been displayed, you can click on the forward button to move to the next page.lick on the Forward button to move to the next page..e Forward button to move to the next page.ove to the next page. the next page. ShowMeTxt Show Me Buttons Some pages have an animation sequence that you can view by clicking on the Show Me Button. When the animation sequence is complete, you can click on the Forward Button to move to the next page. (double-click to remove this box)))) ShowNotesTxt Show Notes Buttons Some pages have notes that you can view by clicking on the Show Notes Button. Clicking on the Show Notes Button displays whatever notes are available for that page. After you have reviewed the notes, you can click on the Forward Button to move to the next page. (double-click to remove this box)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ShowMe Show Me Comments FOrm Your Comments Selected from t Your Comments Selected from the menu bar, Your Comments contains the selection, Send Us Your Comments, which displays a Comment Form for your response........ Hotwords Hotwords On many pages, there are hotwords that you can click on to get a definition of the word. If you select Show Hotwords from the Page function menu, a check mark appears next to Show Hotwords, and all hotwords within the program appear with a border surrounding them. The mouse cursor changes to a rectangle when you position the cursor over a hotword. Clicking the left mouse button causes a dialog box containing a definition of the word to display. If no check mark appears next to the Show Hotwords on the Page function menu, borders do not appear around hotwords in the text. Hotwords remain available, however, so that when you position the mouse cursor over a hotword, the cursor changes to a rectangle; and when you click on the left mouse button, the definition appears.. pull-down menu. buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Standard Windows Application Standard Windows Application submenu button submenu submenu Submenu Button The Submenu button, which appears on almost every page in the program, is located in the lower right corner. Clicking on this button when the arrow is red, or enabled, causes you to return to the submenu page."""""""""f field "description" to 3435,3240 show field "description" Comments FOrm prompt field Prompt Field The prompt field is located at the bottom center of information pages. When the cursor is positioned over a button or tool bar item, a description of its function appears in the prompt field.............d.ld. buttonUp buttonUp information Pages information Pages Accelerator and Shortcut Keys Accelerator and Shortcut Keys Accelerator keys, such as Ctrl+X, appear to the right of a pull-down menu item. By using an accelerator key, you can bypass opening the pull-down menu and select a function directly. You use shortcut keys, such as Alt+F for the File functions, to select a pull-down menu from the menu bar. Following is the list of accelerator keys you can use. List of Accelerator Keys F1 How to Use This Product F9 Show Hotwords F12 Show Page Numbers Ctrl+Right Arrow Next Page Ctrl+Left Arrow Previous Page Ctrl+Up Arrow First Page Shift+F2 Back Ctrl+F2 History Ctrl+G Glossary Ctrl+P Print Pages Ctrl+T Topics Ctrl+X Exit Pages Ctrl+T Topics Ctrl+X Exit Accelerator and Shortcut Keys Hotwords Selected from the File function on the menu bar, the File function menu provides printer support commands and a standard exit from the program. You can select the following functions from the File menu: Clear Placemarks Printer Setup Print Pages Exit ent window is a course module window, a dialog box appears that asks whether you want to save your placemarks in the course before exiting. If you select "Yes," then all placemarks that were set during the current session are saved and the window closes. When you run the SNMP DeskTop Seminar the next time, you will see that the Main Menu has been marked with an asterisk (*) wherever a placemark has been set. When you select the module marked with an asterisk (*), you will be taken directly to the page from which you selected Exit. If you select "No," the window closes without saving your placemarks for the current session. When you select "Cancel," the dialog box closes and you may continue with the course. buttonUp buttonUp Printer Setup Printer Setup buttonUp buttonUp Print Pages Print Pages buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Clear Menu Status Clear Menu Status About Cyberwise Products Clear Menu Status Clear Placemarks Selected from the File function menu on the menu bar or clicked on the Clear All Placemarks button on the tool bar, this function clears all placemarks from the Main Menu. This action is not saved to disk until you exit the program.rely from the course. buttonUp buttonUp Menu Marking Menu Marking buttonUp buttonUp Printer Setup Printer Setup Selected from the File function menu on the menu bar, this command displays the Printer Setup dialog box, enabling you to set or change the current printer and related printer options. The Printer Setup list shows the printers installed under Microsoft Windows. Choose Setup to display the Setup dialog box. For details about the Setup dialog box and about installing printers, see your Microsoft Windows documentation. current book. Pages are printed in the order that they appear in the book, which may not correspond to presentation order. To print at the resolution of your screen's resolution, check the Print as Bitmap box. Otherwise, the pages will be printed at the resolution of your printer. Printer Setup Forward Button Print Pages Print Pages Selected from the File function menu on the menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+P, this command prints copies of pages from the current section. Pages print in the order that they appear in the section, which may not always correspond to presentation order. Pages print at the resolution of your printer. :PHYSSIZE Print Pages Selected from the File function menu on the menu bar, or by pressing Ctrl+X, this command causes a dialog box to appear that asks, "Do you want to save your placemark file?" If you select "Yes," a placemark for the current section page, as well as all other placemarks set in other sections during the current session, is saved to disk. If you select "No," placemarks set during the current session are not saved. When you select "Cancel," the dialog box closes, and you can continue. NOTE: Selecting Close from the control menu box responds as though you selected Exit from the File menu on the menu bar.............................................electing Close from the control menu box responds as though you selected Exit from the File menu on the menu bar... Glossary, Topics, or Frequently Asked Question. When you select Close from a product module window, the program responds as though you selected Exit from the File menu on the menu bar. the menu bar. "Cancel," the dialog box closes and you may continue with the course. ), you will be taken directly to the page from which you selected Exit. If you select "No," the window closes without saving your placemarks for the current session. When you select "Cancel," the dialog box closes and you may continue with the course. buttonUp buttonUp Menu Marking Menu Marking Special Features leavePage leavePage showTxt showTxt Selected from the Page function on the menu bar, the Page function menu provides page support functions. The following functions can be selected from the Page menu: Next Previous First Last Back History Show Page Numbers Show Hotwords hen Show Hotwords is selected, a check appears next to the menu item. auses a "Go to:" prompt to appear in which you may type a page number. To cancel the "Go to:" prompt, press ESC. Show Hotwords Selected from the Page function menu. This function toggles you between showing and not showing hotwords. When Show Hotwords is selected, a check appears next to the menu item. owing and not showing hotwords. When Show Hotwords is selected, a check appears next to the menu item. not showing hotwords. When Show Hotwords is selected, a check appears next to the menu item. y.t mouse button causes a window containing a definition of the word to display.ft mouse button causes a window containing a definition of the word to display. previous first history show page numbers show hotwords showTxt Topics Topics Selected from the Topics function on the menu bar or by pressing Alt+T, the Topic Index window appears in a separate window on top of the current window. The Topic Index contains a scrollable list of the sections and topics in this program. Clicking on an item in the Topic Index takes you directly to it. You cannot set a placemark when you select a topic from the Topic Index. To close the Topics window without performing any action, choose Close from the control menu, double click on the control menu box, or click on the Close button. :PHYSSIZE Glossary ssary Glossary Selected from the Glossary function on the menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+G.The Glossary appears in a separate window on top of the current window. When you select a word from the scrollable list, a definition appears at the right. You can click on the alphabet at the bottom of the scrollable list to see the terms beginning with that letter. You click on the Forward button or Backward button at the lower right corner to move sequentially through the Glossary. To exit the Glossary, choose Close from the control menu, double click on the control menu box, or click on the Close button. r click on the Close button. buttonUp buttonUp forward button buttonUp buttonUp backward button ckward button :PHYSSIZE Glossary To Learn More Menu Marking Setting Placemarks You can set placemarks for each section listed on the Main Menu. The placemark icon shown here signifies that a page has been marked in a section to which you can return later. You cannot set a placemark when you use the Topics Index . Saving Placemarks Clear Placemarks the menus. Saving Menu Marks her you wish to save the current state of the course. If you select "Yes," a placemark is set in the current module is saved to disk as well as all other placemarks set during the current session. When you enter the SNMP DeskTop Seminar the next time, you will see that the menu has been marked with an asterisk ( ) wherever a placemark was set. When you select a module with a placemark, you will be taken directly to the page from which you exited. or to return to the menu via the menu button you will be presented a dialog box asking whether you wish to save your place within the module.he module..........ill be presented a dialog box asking whether you wish to save your place within the module. buttonUp buttonUp Topics Topics buttonUp buttonUp Saving Menu Marks Saving Menu Marks buttonUp buttonUp Clear Menu Status Clear Menu Status Placemark Icon1 Menu Marking prompt field Saving Menu Marks Saving Placemarks When you choose exit , a dialog box appears asking, "Do you want to save your placemarks?" If you select "Yes," a placemark for the current section page, as well as all other placemarks set for other sections during the current session, is saved to the userid.tsg file on your hard drive in the program directory. When you enter the program next time, you will see that the program has marked the Main Menu with a placemark icon wherever a placemark was set. When you select a section marked with a placemark, you go directly to the page from which you exited. When you return to the Main Menu via the Menu button from within a section, a dialog box appears asking, "Do you want to save your place?" If you select "Yes," a placemark for the current page is set and a placemark icon appears on the menu. This placemark is not saved to disk unless you indicate that you want to save it when you exit from the program entirely. Setting Placemarks Clear Placemarks Exit want to save it when you exit from the program entirely. Setting Placemarks Clear Placemarks Exit buttonUp buttonUp Menu Button Menu Button buttonUp buttonUp Menu marking Menu marking buttonUp buttonUp Clear Menu Status Clear Menu Status buttonUp buttonUp Saving Menu Marks Standard Windows Application Standard Windows Application This program is a Windows application running in a standard window and supporting standard menu bar functions, such as File and Help. You can manipulate this window just as you would with any other window in Windows. This includes moving it, minimizing it, or closing it by clicking on the control menu box. Some actions result in a dialog box that requires a response from you before continuing. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft Windows documentation for more information on how to use Windows and Windows applications. buttonUp buttonUp Menu Bar Menu Bar Standard Windows Application Show Buttons Types of Pages Types of Pages Different page formats appear within the application window of this program. Glossary Help Information pages Topic Index text only, while others contain both text and graphics. Some pages, such as those that appear in the Glossary, are split into sections. The product title appears on the title bar at the top of the page. Text-only pages contain a window of text providing specific information on a topic related to the current module. Pages containing both text and graphics are formatted with the graphic displayed on the left part of the page with a text window on the right part of the page. The text conveys information about the graphic. The bottom right of the page contains one or more buttons that you can use for showing animations, or navigating to the Main Menu page and other pages. The bottom left of the page contains the button that allows you to exit from the product at any time.ntains the button that allows you to exit from the product at any time. The right side of the page is the G buttonUp buttonUp Glossary Glossary buttonUp buttonUp Using How to Use This Product Using How to Use This Product buttonUp buttonUp Information Pages Information Pages buttonUp buttonUp Topics Topics Types of Pages Exit Button Information Pages Information Pages Information pages contain the content of this program. They are divided into sections that contain text, graphics, and navigation buttons. Point to a section of the sample page at the right to see its name. Menu bar Tool bar Navigation buttons Prompt field buttonUp buttonUp Menu bar Menu bar buttonUp buttonUp Tool Bar Tool Bar buttonUp buttonUp Navigation Navigation buttonUp buttonUp Prompt field ompt field what it is :PHYSSIZE mouseLeave mouseEnter leavePage resetPage mouseEnter print description Clicking on this button causes the current page to print. description description clearMenuStatus description Clicking on this button removes any placemarks that have been set for any of the sections on the Main Menu. description description topics description Clicking on this button causes the Topics Index Window to appear. description description glossary description Clicking on this button causes the Glossary Window to appear. description description description Clicking on this button causes this section, How to Use This Product, to appear in a window. description description resetpage mouseLeave resetPage leavePage resetpage resetPage tool bar description Information Pages Clear Menu Status Menu Bar Menu Bar As a Windows application window, this program has a menu bar from which you can select several functions. You select a menu bar function by positioning the mouse cursor over the text name of the desired menu bar function and clicking the left mouse button. A pull-down menu appears below the text you select. You also can select a function by using accelerator and shortcut keys. Click on the menu bar functions below for a detailed explanation.the menu bar functions below for a detailed explanation.n.low for a detailed explanation.anation...............iled explanation..............................................................ons Quiz Helpppppppppppppppppppons. Accelerator Keys Menu Bar buttonUp buttonUp Accelerator and Shortcut Keys Accelerator and Shortcut Keys b :PHYSSIZE File Page Topics Glossary About Our Products HelpS Getting Started on the Internet File Page Topics Glossary To Learn More Your Comments Help buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Topics Topics buttonUp buttonUp Glossary Glossary buttonUp buttonUp about cyberwise Products about cyberwise Products buttonUp buttonUp Comments Form Comments Form buttonUp buttonUp Menu Bar Tool Bar Tool Bar This program has a tool bar that you can use as a shortcut for menu bar commands. When you position the mouse over each button on the tool bar, its function is described in the prompt field at the bottom center of the page. Position the mouse cursor over the tool bar buttons shown here for a explanation of what they do.....n you position the mouse over each icon, the function of the icon is described in the bottom middle of the page. Position your mouse over the tool bar icons right for their explanations..for their explanations. each icon...icon.n.r a detailed explanation. buttonUp buttonUp menu bar nu bar buttonUp buttonUp prompt field prompt field description Clicking on this button causes the Glossary Window to appear.oduct, to appear in a window. the Main Menu. Print clearMenustatus Topics glossary clearMenustatus k Force, Business2, Eraser :PHYSSIZE Glossary :PHYSSIZE topics :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE print :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp forward Button backward button Previous back button contents button close button How to Use showTxt How to Use This Product: You are presently in this section. Selected from the Help function menu or by pressing F1, this section provides information on how to interact with the information pages and use the program. showTxt showTxt About The Saratoga Group: Selected from the Help function menu, this function provides a brief description of The Saratoga Group and its products and services. showTxt About This Product showTxt About This Product: Selected from the Help function menu, this function provides the product version and legal notices. showTxt showTxt showTxt showTxt Next: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing Ctrl+Right, this function takes you to the next page of the section. showTxt showTxt Previous showTxt Previous: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing Ctrl+Left, this function takes you to the previous page of the section. showTxt showTxt First showTxt First: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing Ctrl+Up, this function takes you to the first page of the section. showTxt showTxt showTxt Last: Selected from the Page function menu, this function takes you to the last page of the section. showTxt showTxt showTxt Back: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing Shift+F2, this function takes you to the page previously viewed, which might not be in sequential order. showTxt showTxt History showTxt History: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing Ctrl+F2, this function displays the History dialog box, where you can view the names or page numbers of the last 100 pages you visited in a program window. To go to a page, double-click its name in the list box. showTxt showTxt Show Page Numbers showTxt Show Page Numbers: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing F12, this function causes a box to appear at the bottom left corner of the window that shows the current page number. Clicking on the page icon causes a Go to: prompt to appear in which you can type a page number and then press ENTER. To cancel the Go to: prompt, press ESC. showTxt showTxt Show Hotwords showTxt Show Hotwords: Selected from the Page function menu or by pressing F9, this function lets you toggle between showing and not showing hotwords. When Show Hotwords is selected, a check appears next to the menu item. showTxt showTxt showTxt showTxt to learn more about cyberwise showTxt About CyberWISE Products: Selected from the To Learn More function on the menu bar, this function provides the information about other products developed by The Saratoga Group. showTxt comments showTxt Send Us Your Comments: Selected from the To Learn More function menu, this function displays a questionnaire. We want to know what you think. Please fill in the questionnaire and fax or email it to us. showTxt showTxt showTxt Tool Bar Buttons System MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif System System :PRINTLAYOUT small fonts How to Use This Product MS Sans Serif all Fonts all fonts System small fonts all Fonts owField mouseEnter mouseLeave leavePage showField resetPage mouseEnter Title Bar what it is This is the title bar. showField menu bar what it is This is the menu bar. showField tool bar what it is This is the tool bar. showField graphics area what it is This is the graphics area. showField text area what it is This is the text area. showField navigation buttons what it is These are the navigation buttons. showField prompt field what it is This is the prompt field. showField page numbers what it is This is where page numbers appear. showField what it is Information Pages showField what it is mouseLeave resetPage leavePage resetpage resetPage information pages what it is enterBook keyDown author initMenus enterBook toolbook initMenus tbook bookpath tour.ico bookPath courseName author The scripts in this book have been removed and cannot be viewed. Any attempt to edit a script for an object may damage the book. keyDown print isCtrl isShift initMenus Save As Import Export Print Report PrinterSetup PrintPages &Page &Next Ctrl+Right P&rev Ctrl+Left previous &First Ctrl+Up &Last Ctrl+Down &Back Shift+F2 Show Page Numbers sizeToPage BAsic BGD Close button Close backward button backward button forward button forward button Back button Contents button Contents BAsic BGD submenu button ScrollField BGD Close buttonUp buttonUp Close buttonUp buttonUp Previous uttonUp Previous Forward Button buttonUp buttonUp uttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Contents buttonUp buttonUp Contents ScrollField BGD Contents Contents This program is designed for ease of use. Its graphical, user-friendly interface will be familiar to any Windows user. In addition to standard Windows features, this program also has its own special features. These features are simple and easy to use and do not require any special training other than a familiarity with Windows. For the most part, you can access and use these features by simply "pointing and clicking." To learn more about how this program works, click on one of the topics listed below. Using How to Use This Product Program Structure Information Pages Navigation Hotwords ic.you use the SNMP DeskTop Seminar. buttonUp buttonUp Using How to Use This Product Using How to Use This Product buttonUp buttonUp Program Structure Program Structure buttonUp buttonUp Information Pages Information Pages $*If0 buttonUp buttonUp Navigation Navigation buttonUp buttonUp hotwords hotwords Contents Topics Using How to Use This Product Using How to Use This Product The topics of How to Use This Product are shown as hotwords with a border surrounding them. The mouse cursor changes to a rectangle when you position the cursor over a hotword. To choose a topic for viewing, click the left mouse button on a topic shown with a border. Or, you can click on the Forward button and Backward button to move forward or backward one page at a time. When you finish with a topic, you can return to the Contents page, which lists the main topics of this module, by clicking on the Contents button. To move to the page previously viewed, which might not be in sequential order, click on the Back button. When you finish viewing this module, "How to Use This Product," click on the Close button.n.inished with a topic, you can return to the Introduction page, which lists the main topics of this module, by clicking on the Contents button. To move to the page previously viewed, which may not be in sequential order, click on the Back button. When you are finished viewing this module, "How to Use This Course," click on the Close button............................ Contents Contents Close Close buttonUp buttonUp hotwords hotwords Using How to Use This Product Program Structure Program Structure Informational content is divided into sections that appear on the Main Menu. These sections contain several topics. A topic might take one page (or screen) or several pages. There are several ways to navigate (move) around within the program that provide flexibility in the way you view material. You can select sections from the Main Menu or move dynamically through the program using the Topics Index . The Glossary and this section, "How to Use This Product," can be selected at any point from within the program from the menu bar or the tool bar. Standard Windows Application Types of Pages Navigation Setting Placemarks irst select Help. Menu Marking m the menu bar. Menu Marking e .................... Use This Course," may be selected at any point from within the course from the menu bar .................. 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